Servo Motion Control Expertise
Servo technology from Industrial Indexing offers solutions for electronic gearing, electronic cams, and multi-axis coordinated motion that provide effective solutions for a wide range of factory automation and control applications. Contact us to discuss the details of your next application. Call us today at 585.924.9181 or submit a “Request for Quote” form below, and we’ll contact you as soon as possible.
Learn more about IIS servo control technology, and how it has created motion control solutions in a wide variety of factory automation and control applications.
Basics of Servo Motion Control Technology
Multi-Axis Coordinated Motion
The heart of a multi-axis automation system is the ability to synchronize the motion of multiple motors to a designated “master” source device.
Learn MoreRegistered Can Embossing
Servo Control Application Example
An advanced servo system offers a new level of performance for registered can embossing in the packaging/beverage industry. This automated system embosses a body at production speeds up to 1,500 cans per minute.
Industrial Indexing Systems assists engineers in creating motion control solutions, and has a primary, enduring goal to bring state-of-the-art servo system products to practical use on the factory floor.