Motion Control Technology White Paper

Unlock the Power of Precision in Motion Control Technology with Our Whitepaper!

Dive deep into the world of multi-axis automation systems and discover:

  • Precision at Its Best: Learn how IIS’s Emerald products offer universal motion technology that combines real-time functions to address the complexities of modern automation control. Multi-axis synchronization using servos provides a powerful tool for precision motion control applications.
  • Dynamic Response & Flexibility: Understand the role of Master/Slave Positioning Algorithms in machine applications. Discover how synchronization between the source device and a servomotor is achieved using the Emerald electronic gear ratio or electronic cam motion functions.
  • Advanced Control Features: Gain insights into how digital outputs are synchronized to a master source using the programmable limit switch (PLS) function. Learn about the fine resolution of gearing ratio values and the flexibility of electronic cam functions.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to elevate your understanding of precision motion control technology.
Download the whitepaper now and embark on a journey of innovation and efficiency!