Registered Can Embossing Machine

Embossed Can Samples

Embossed cans provide tactile pattern for the consumer that improves brand recognition and creates a competitive advantage versus traditional aluminum or steel cans.

Servo Technology Solution

Precisely forming the can body between matched embossing tools requires advanced control to register the embossed pattern to the printed decoration.  A digital fiber sensor is used to track the position of the decoration, and the embosser orients the can body to precisely orient the can body to the tools using an individual servo motor.

Key Features

Key features of the machine include:

  • Production speeds up to 1500 cans/minute.
  • Touchscreen operator interface controls various embossing parameters and enables on-the-fly adjustments.
  • Can decoration located using a digital fiber sensor for accurate embossing registration.

Stolle Registered Embosser

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